
  1. Events
  2. Who’s Open this Week?


Who’s Open this Week?

Please check the links for each farm's day/hours before planning your visit. Baked goods – Harris Family Farm Valentine treats phone orders.  (Farm bakeshop not open) Fruit & Veggies - 24 Carrot


Who’s Open this Week?

Please check the links for each farm's day/hours before planning your visit. Baked goods – Harris Family Farm Valentine treats phone orders.  (Farm bakeshop not open) Fruit & Veggies - 24 Carrot


Who’s Open this Week?

Please check the links for each farm's day/hours before planning your visit. Baked goods – Harris Family Farm Valentine treats phone orders.  (Farm bakeshop not open) Fruit & Veggies - 24 Carrot


Who’s Open this Week?

Please check the links for each farm's day/hours before planning your visit. Baked goods – Harris Family Farm Valentine treats phone orders.  (Farm bakeshop not open) Fruit & Veggies - 24 Carrot

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