Summer is a perfect time to visit for an authentic hands-on farm experience! Our berries, veggies and flowers are at their peak and you-pick season is under way.
Ever tried a loganberry or olallieberry? These are just some of the unique varieties offered at Patrick’s Berry Farm and Garden. Open weekends in July and early August. Check Patrick’s Berry Farm and Garden Facebook page for updates and varieties available. With more than a twenty different kinds of berries available for you-pick each season, you’re sure to find one you love!
Our highest Apple Hill Grower, Harris Tree Farm has marionberries ready for you-pick. You can get out of the heat and enjoy the day in the orchard and pines. Thornless blackberries should be ready to pick here in August. Open Thursday-Sunday 9a-4:30p
Pick a bouquet! 24 Carrot Farm is now offering you-pick flowers. Cherry tomatoes and maybe a bonus second crop of strawberries will be available to you pick as well! Check out 24 Carrot Farm Facebook page for the latest.
Remember, berries love sun so pack a hat and sunscreen for your you-pick experience! Be ready for the kids to be sticky and dirty… they’ll love it!
Come visit:
Here’s a list of Apple Hill Grower Events