apple hill winter

apples and doughnuts

More Farms Opening Soon!

It’s here! Time for apples, hay rides, donuts and cider.  More seasonal Apple Hill Grower ranches will continue to open up through Labor Day weekend. See our Cider Press for full details. And if you…
box of doughnuts and apples

Apple Season Is Here!

It’s here! Time for apples, hay rides, donuts and cider.  Now open… the Apple Hill Grower ranches, High Hill Ranch and Abel’s Apples Acres,  with more ranches set to open later this month, it is…
Harvesting winter crops in the rain, hail and snow

Snow, Hail- Nothing Stops Apple Hill Farmers!

Harvesting winter crops in the rain, hail and snow… “It’s been great!” says Ben Hanson, farmer and owner of 24 Carrot Farm. No, really he says that…with a smile as hail came down. Show must go…
Apple hill in the snow

Biggest Apple Hill Snow in Years!

Every branch, every vine covered in winter beauty! Snow falls at most of our Apple Hill Grower farms once or twice a season but this February brought the most we’ve seen in years. It is…

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